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Prepare Your Roof for the 2024 Hurricane Season: Essential Tips from Roofwerks

June 3rd, 2024

With the 2024 hurricane season now here, it’s crucial for homeowners in the Triangle area to prepare their roofs for potential severe weather.  Roofwerks is here to help you safeguard your home with these essential tips.


Key Tips for Roof Preparedness

  1. Roof Inspection

Shingles: Check for loose or damaged shingles.

Leaks: Look for signs of water damage in your attic and ceilings.

Flashings: Ensure flashings around chimneys, vents, and skylights are secure.

Gutters: Clean out gutters and downspouts.

Structure: Assess the overall condition of your roof.


  1. Roof Maintenance

Gutters: Regularly clean gutters to avoid water overflow.

Trees: Trim overhanging branches that could damage your roof in high winds.

Loose Items: Secure items like satellite dishes and antennas.


  1. Strengthening Your Roof

Materials: Use high wind rated shingles and other durable materials.


  1. Emergency Repairs

Repair Kit: Keep tarps, roofing cement, nails, and a hammer handy for temporary repairs.

Post-Storm: Cover damaged areas with a tarp and contact Roofwerks for professional repairs.


  1. Insurance and Documentation

Insurance: Review your homeowners’ insurance policy to ensure it covers hurricane damage.

Documentation: Take photos of your roof’s current condition before the hurricane season starts.

  1. Professional Help

Inspection: Schedule a professional roof inspection with Roofwerks.

Repairs: Trust our experts to provide the best solutions and ensure your roof is ready for hurricane season.


Avoid Roofing Scams After a Storm

After a hurricane, it’s common for scam artists to prey on vulnerable homeowners in need of urgent repairs.

Here’s how to protect yourself:

Verify Credentials: Always check the credentials of any roofing contractor. Look for licensing, insurance, and references.

Beware of Door-to-Door Contractors: Be cautious of contractors who appear uninvited at your door offering immediate services. Reputable companies rarely solicit door-to-door.

Check Reviews and Ratings: Look up contractors on review sites and check their ratings with the Better Business Bureau.

Get Everything in Writing: Ensure all work details, costs, and schedules are provided in a written contract. Read it carefully before signing.



Preparing your roof for hurricane season is vital for protecting your home and family. Conduct thorough inspections, maintain your roof, and make necessary upgrades. Contact Roofwerks today for an inspection and consultation.

Get Ready for Hurricane Season with Roofwerks!

Call us at 919-852-2660.  Visit to schedule an appointment.

Stay safe and secure with the Triangle’s premiere roofing company.  Roofwerks, where we don’t want to be the biggest.  We just want to be the best!